Wednesday, 28 May 2014

One woman's view on Porn

Porn. A very daunting word to say out loud. Not because the word is difficult to pronounce or because people won't understand it. No, it's daunting because it's a taboo subject in the world. We should be ashamed of watching porn but then again every second 28,258 people are viewing pornography according to this website:
As a woman you shouldn't like porn because it is male dominated and sexist. That's what we're told at least. 
I can't deny that some of the porn videos are sexist against women but if you think about it, they are sending out a lot of skewed messages to men too. I mean, what normal man has a penis that size? Not only that, I wouldn't want a man with a penis that size because I am pretty sure it would hurt me. 
It doesn't show us an image of how sex actually works, it shows us what we were hoping for it to look like. Always so graceful, sexy, easy and they always manage to finish. Admit it, we've all had that moment when we feel extremely clumsy during sex or struggled to come. 

I've watched my fair share of porn. Never been a big fan but I wouldn't lie and say I haven't watched it. To be honest, there is nothing with it that makes me turn in bed hoping to get some action. I feel extremely distant from what's going on in the video and have been turned on 1000 times more by getting a message from the man I'm dating giving me clues of what he wants to do with me.

A very feminist friend of my once told me during a discussion about waxing that we are only getting rid of our bush because that is what we see porn stars do. My first reaction was: Have you ever watched a porno or are you just trusting other people's arguments. My second reaction was: No, I shave because I find it cleaner and more comfortable. If you are a feminist you should believe in our right to choose what we want to do but she was doing the complete opposite, she was telling me what I should do. I told her to go and watch some porn and make her own opinion instead of just saying it is wrong. She came back a few weeks later telling us that she found a really good website with porn for women. I don't have to tell you the website but I know for a fact that the website isn't only for women and she had just judged something before she even tried.

It's difficult to pinpoint why I don't like porn. One of the main reasons is probably because I am still that girl that only has sex with a person I am dating and to me it is something between two people to connect with each other on a different level. Then again, I've only had sex with one person but I felt a connection to him. I can't feel any connection with the people because you don't actually know anything about their personality. As strange as it sounds, I can get turned on very easily by watching a normal romcom with a sex scene but with porn I just wait for them to be done with it. 

Another reason might be that I love foreplay. I'm that kind of girl who loves the build up. Don't get me wrong, sex is great but it's because of the build up. Show me porn with a long build up and I'll probably enjoy it more but I can't relate to a 30 year old woman dressed up as a 15 year old being spanked by her so-called teacher that is probably the same age as her in real life.

Porn hasn't made me feel uncomfortable about my body. I feel uncomfortable about my body because I know it can improve. It hasn't made me think I need to shave, I shave because I want to. I definitely don't believe in multiple orgasms because of porn, I believe in it because I've experienced it. These are not reasons for why I don't watch porn. I simply choose not to watch porn because it doesn't do it for me and I don't see any reason wasting my time on being the third wheel to some kind of exaggerated, made up video trying to make us all feel like our sex life is strange when in fact it's porn that is skewed.

Porn is taboo in most situations, especially amongst women but just because I don't like porn doesn't mean there are no women that do. I have a lot of female friends that watch porn even though they would never admit it to anyone. We all have different reasons for what we do. I have mine for not watching porn but that is only one woman's view on it and can therefore only speak for me. 

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